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We provide interest-free microloans to deserving widows to help them start small businesses.


We provide higher education scholarships to orphaned young women.


We organize a quarterly non-denominational fellowship for women.


Interest-Free Microloans

Often, microloans are given to people in Third World countries, where traditional financing is not available, Lenders receive interest on their loans and repayment of principal once the loan has matured. Because the credit of these borrowers may be quite low and the risk of default high, microloans command above market interest rates making them enticing for some investors.

The average Fruitful Vines client is a 37 year-old Nigerian widow who earns between $1.11 and $4.16 a day. On average she has only 3.4 years of formal education, has four children, cannot read or write, and is unlikely to speak English, the official language of Nigeria. All of this adds up to an inability to secure a loan that might better her situation. And that’s where Fruitful Vines comes in. We provide interest-free loans to widows, demonstrated to be in extreme hardship. Fruitful Vines’s average loan size is $200 over nine months, and our clients maintain a 98% loan repayment rate.



Millions of children, especially those living below the poverty line in rural areas, drop out of school before they reach the secondary school level. There are various factors influencing students to drop out, including affordability, discrimination, child labor, and gender gaps.

Fruitful Vines Scholarship Program works toward uplifting underprivileged rural children who have dropped out of school and providing them with the support and resources to complete their education.

Each child is selected with specific criteria in mind. The majority of beneficiaries come from single-parent homes or have been orphaned. We provide high-quality education opportunities to the children and aim for them to become contributing members of society.


Fruitful Vines organizes quarterly fellowships for women, to provide multiple for women to connect spiritually, emotionally and socially, as we grow in Christ and with each other. Women are on a unique journey, giving of ourselves continually to our families and careers. While pouring out to others, we should also take time to pour into our souls. Our faith-based fellowships help women experience God through the seed-planting, growth and harvest seasons of their lives.


Help our Mission

Help the widowed and the orphaned woman find joy again and build a better life. Contact us today to find out how you can help.

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